Wednesday, April 21, 2010

USF's Garcia Award Pin-Up (2010)

Every year in the spring the faculty at SACD selects four of the top students in their exiting year to be nominated for the Edwardo Garcia Award. It's one of our schools most prestigious and sought after awards, just being nominated is a high honor. After the four students have been selected they must selectively pin-up the work they have accomplished over their four years in our program in one of our jury rooms for one week. During that week the previous Garcia winners (if available) come to judge the work and vote on a winner. A week later the ballots are counted and a winner is announced at our annual awards ceremony. Below I present some of the work from this years pin up, I hope you enjoy. Please forgive some of the blurry pics, not my best quick photo session, sigh!

Tim Keepers
Our resident hand-drawn graphics master. Tim combines his fantastic hand rendering skills with his highly tectonic and crafty models. He is all about building components and make sure they are clearly express in relationship to the whole.

Thao Nguyen
This short, shy, reserved yet zen-like Asian master is our schools computer graphics specialist. He is amazing at making computer aided renderings of his projects, they are always sharp and borderline perfect. His models are met with equal craft and precision. He's an architectural surgeon, always on point with executing his specialized skills.

Shawn Hott
Shawn is known for his very well crafted models that always have a fluid ribbon like quality to them. He is always containing elements that are curved and bend and flow throughout his projects, as if to scoop up and receive the public or catch the eye and bring it in.

Ashley Verbanic
Finally we have the one female nominee. Ashley is a very sensitive designer. Her work is always full of careful and calculated thought and the moves she makes are always on point and sensitive to her design ideas and the program at hand. Her projects have many layers that are slowly uncovered, like a good flavorful meal. She may not have the guttural impact some of the other students have but her gold is layered in the depth and strength of her work, it's not close to being superficial in any way.

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