Sunday, April 18, 2010

A New Beginning

Upon a few seconds of pondering I decided to start this blog. Its purpose will be to catalog aspects of my life that most of the time will revolve around art + architecture. Why you ask? Not sure yet. All I know is that coming this May I begin the first of five of my last architectural design semesters at the University of South Florida's: School of Architecture + Community Design (also known as SACD). This journey begins in a semester abroad in Spain + France, with a short vacation in Italy + Greece, which I believe is the perfect way to start off any blog. I am not sure how often I will post or how many tangents I will get on, but that's part of the journey. For those that "follow" I promise not to lead you out to Africa for a massive Kool-Aid death (I'm not Jim Jones for crying out loud, I'm Daniel Johnson!). What I can promise you is a window into bits of my life and fully my passion for art + architecture. I hope you enjoy!

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